Show Summary
Adam opens the show with Dave Dameshek in studio. The guys chat with Dawson about the World Championship of Guacamole coming up, and then follow up on a conversation the guys had on a recent Good Sports about Jack ‘Hacksaw’ Reynolds. They also talk about strange movie coincidences, and take a call from Dennis Miller to play a Pittsburgh-themed round of the Rotten Tomatoes Game. Up next, Bryan and Gina remain in studio for today’s Good Sports.
Part 2 of today’s show opens with a discussion about Liam Neeson and the classic film, ‘Taken’. They also give Dawson a hard time for getting disinvited from Kimmel’s football viewing parties, and everyone plays a round of Ranchera Music Countdown. Gina then begins the news talking about the response to the NY Times Trump op-ed piece. They also talk about the new Colin Kaepernick Nike campaign, and Gina shares audio from an activist being played out by a fake auctioneer. Later they discuss how Mike August acts as auctioneer for the Football draft, and Gina reads another story about a controversial pizza ingredient. As the show wraps up, the guys react to stories about Terry Crews settling his lawsuit, Norm MacDonald co-creating a dating app, and the latest cast announcements for Dancing with the Stars.
Subscribe to ‘The Dennis Miller Option’ and ‘Red Circle Sports’. You can also follow Dennis on Twitter @DennisDMZ.
Follow Shek on Twitter @Dameshek and check out Daves of Thunder!!
Show Credits
Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Chris Laxamana, Gary Smith, Matt Fondiler, Caelan Biehn, and Dylan Wrenn
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop