Show Summary 

As the show opens up, the guys talk further about the scary ride-sharing murder story happening in the news. Adam then brings up someone tagging his building, and then the city fining him for not cleaning it up. The guys also react to a video about Joe Biden touching women, and talk with a caller about serial killers, Salt Lake City, and India. Adam then reaches into the mailbag to share some of the strange items that have been sent to Adam. Next up, enjoy the next round of Banks Bracket Madness.

Gina begins today’s news talking about the murder of rapper Nipsey Hussle. They also talk about a new civil suit about the Alec Baldwin parking lot punch. Other news stories involve Mick Jagger’s upcoming heart surgery, Adele’s father trying to get back into her life, and Meghan Markle’s alleged sex tape. As the show wraps up, Gina reads one last story about The Eagles performing in Las Vegas, and Adam and Shek bring today’s Good Sports.


Scotts Turf Builder enter Adam

Castrol Challenge: tweet us your questions @Adamcarollashow with the hashtag castrol challenge  


Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson 
Co-Producers: Chris Laxamana, Gary Smith, Matt Fondiler, Caelan Biehn, and Dylan Wrenn
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop