Show Summary

The show opens with Ray Oldhafer in studio, and the gang argues about the definition of the word idiosyncratic. Adam talks with Ray about the time he jumped naked off the roof of the Mulholland Club, and also recalls Sonny’s championship basketball season. Later the guys answer your home improvement questions, and talk to a caller who works at a ranchero music station.  Wayne White enters the studio next, and talks about his redneck past and how he wanted to become an artist. They talk about his early dirty puppet shows and how he ultimately became a part of Pee-wee’s Playhouse. Wayne also discusses being approached to be the subject of a documentary and explains the title and phrase, ‘Beauty is Embarrassing.’  Alison opens the news discussing the continuing damage of Hurricane Isaac along the gulf coast. The guys also talk about Tony Danza potentially running for Mayor of New York, which leads into a longer conversation about some of the guys’ favorite TV personalities from their youth. Later they chat about Seth MacFarlane hosting SNL, and the accidental release of the Apple employee handbook. As the show wraps up, Adam talks with Maxipada about a masturbation poll and the flexibility of the Dutch.


The documentary ‘Beauty is Embarrassing’ will be in select theaters on September 7th. Visit for more info, and follow Wayne on Twitter @SeeWayneWhite. Also follow Ray on Twitter @RayOldhafer, and listen to Ace on the House every Saturday.


Jim Nabors Singing [youtube url="" autohide="1" showinfo="0"]

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Show Credits

Producer: Mike Lynch Producer: Mike Dawson Audio/Voice Over/Post-Production: Mike Dawson Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop Associate Producer: Gary Smith Technical Director: Chris Laxamana Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

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