Show Summary

Adam opens the show with both Tom Lennon and Diane Farr in studio. They start by chatting about the awkwardness of make out scenes in movies, and Diane reacts to the Road Hard script since she’s one of the only people who’s read it. Adam then talks with Tom about his new film, ‘Hell Baby’, as well as the early days of the sketch show ‘The State’. Adam also talks with Diane about the beginnings of her career and working her way toward Loveline and beyond. As the show wraps up, Adam tells some funny stories about working with Dr. Drew and embarrassing his kids on the road.


For more info, visit or follow Tom on Twitter @ThomasLennon. You can get more info about Diane by visiting, or follow her on Twitter @GetDianeFarr. Also, contribute to Road Hard by visting


James Dixon, Power Guidance Counselor (8:56)

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson

Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox

Newsgirl: Alison Rosen

Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop