Show Summary

Adam opens the show sharing his excitement to interview Simeon Rice later in the podcast. He also details his experience at Seth MacFarlane’s Holiday Party, including all the stars he bumped into, problems with the Mangria bar, and why he couldn’t find an ounce of normal-flavored rye. Adam then talks with callers about his need for buffer songs, his thoughts on Boston Cream Pie, and the bizarre eating habits of one of the staffers.

Simeon Rice is in studio next, and Adam talks with him about his twelve years in the NFL, and his Super Bowl win. Simeon also talks about writing, directing, and funding his own feature film. Alison then starts up the news with a story about the goal post width being adjusted on the field. They also discuss the hostage situation in Sydney over the weekend, and the latest on the Bill Cosby scandal. As the show wraps up, Simeon shares a very personal story from his past.


Search for ‘Unsullied’ on Kickstarter to help contribute to Simeon’s new film. You can also visit, and follow him on Twitter @Simeon_Rice.


Thing With Two Heads

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox
Newsgirl: Alison Rosen
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop

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