Show Summary

Adam opens the show with Alison and Matt ‘The Porcelain Punisher’ Fondiler talking about the epic last week of his book tour. Deaf Frat Guy then joins the show, and the guys play a round of JV or All Balls. Adam also takes fan phone calls about weight issues and why he’s never been a reality TV judge. Sasha Grey and musician David J. then enter the studio. Adam talks with David about ‘Love and Rockets’, and also how he got together with Sasha Grey. Adam also talks with Sasha about life after leaving the porn industry. As the show wraps up, the guys discuss the mass murder at UCSB, the ‘KimYe’ Wedding, and a reckless driver who lost consciousness while holding his breath in a tunnel.


For more on Sasha, visit and follow her on Twitter @SashaGrey. For more on David, visit and follow him on Twitter @DavidJHaskins


UCSB Shooting [youtube url="" autohide="1" showinfo="0"]

Superfan Sidebar

Click Here for Superfan Giovanni's recap and commentary on today's episode. For more, go to

Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop
