Show Summary

Adam opens the show talking about what a great guy that Jay Leno is and how excited he is to finish screening the Newman Doc for. He then wonders who left the bag of pretzel chips open, and takes fan phone calls about his favorite porn names, and feeding our kids fruits and vegetables. Rob Zombie then calls in, and Adam talks with him about how he maintains his hair. They also discuss his freaky new film, the experience of crowdfunding, and the benefit of releasing your movie Video On Demand. Alison then chats with Adam about trying to get pregnant, and the guys chat with a caller about roadside memorials.

Ron Nehring is in next, and Adam talks with him about being a candidate for the Lieutenant Governor of California. They discuss his family history, and Adam brings up some important problems plaguing our state. They also listen back on the infamous Gavin Newsome interview, and Ron lends his commentary to the issues discussed. Today’s news opens with a discussion of Apple’s new product announcements. As the show wraps up, the gang talks about the response from Ray Rice’s wife.


For more on today’s guest, visit and follow him on Twitter @RonNehring.

Also make sure you donate to Rob’s new film by visiting

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox
Newsgirl: Alison Rosen
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop

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