Show Summary

Adam opens the show with Matt Atchity in studio, editor in chief of Rotten Tomates. Adam then rants about state-by-state liquor laws, and shares how proud he is of Sonny. Next up, Adam jumps to the phones and talks with callers about things he wants Sonny to learn, and advice for future podcasters. Rob Corddry then joins the show, and Adam has a caller interview him. Adam also asks Rob about his current projects, and the wild west of content distribution. After that, a Keanu Reeves–themed round of the Rotten Tomatoes game. In the last part of the show, the gang reacts to news stories about Jose Conseco shooting his finger off, the latest on the recent Washington school shooting, and where bacteria accumulates the most in an office setting. As the podcast wraps, everyone discusses the Cronut.


Watch Rob on ‘Wedlock’, available now on iTunes, Amazon Video, and Video On-Demand. You can also follow him on Twitter @RobCorddry.

Also make sure you visit and follow Matt on Twitter @MAtchity.

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox
Newsgirl: Alison Rosen
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop

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