Show Summary

The show opens up with Michael Madsen and his son Christian already in studio. Adam talks about his upcoming race in Sonoma, and chats with both Madsens about their experiences as actors. Adam also rants about Sonny getting a BFF pendant, and talks with Michael about living in Malibu and hanging out with Nick Nolte. The guys also discuss the film The Doors, and movies to watch if you want to see great performances. Alison starts up the news discussing the mother of the Florida face-eater. They also pitch a new Jim Carrey movie, and talk about why Oprah’s show should still be on the air. Later the gang chats about hating high school, and an interview between Wolf Blitzer and Donald Trump. Adam then recalls a story about arguing to get cash back at Barney’s, and the show wraps up with stories about Steve McQueen’s cars, banning large sodas, and why parents need to take control of their kids.


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Blitzer and Trump

Show Credits

Producer: Mike Lynch Producer: Mike Dawson Audio/Voice Over/Post-Production: Mike Dawson Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop Associate Producer: Gary Smith Technical Director: Chris Laxamana Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

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