Show Summary

Adam opens the show with Ray in the studio. He discusses how they met, and some of the other kids they interacted with back in the day. Adam also rants about a dude with no shirt or shoes at the airport, and Ray provides Just The Tip. Lorenzo Neal calls in next and the guys talk about the new sports podcast that Lo and Ray are co-hosting. Adam then complains about the ridiculousness of Union 76’s anti-honking campaign. Next up, the guys take some fan phone calls about divorce and what Adam thinks about his super fans. Adam also talks about being interviewed by Larry King. Alison then starts up the news with a story about Alec Baldwin’s new talk show. The guys also discuss George Zimmerman’s pending divorce, whether or not speed traps should be made illegal, and Kurt Russell’s rumored involvement with Fast and Furious 7. As the show wraps up, Alison talks about choosing her new show logo, Aziz Ansari’s incredible book deal, and Dr. Phil’s controversial tweet. Be ready to download the premiere episode of Me and Lorenzo, this Saturday. Get it on iTunes.

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Show Credits

Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox Associate Producers: Mike Altier, Caelan Biehn Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop
