Show Summary

At the top of the show, Adam, Bryan and Gina catch up on how they’ve spent Mother’s Day. Adam rants more about ridiculous school projects, and dealing with sales associates at Tesla who didn’t know their stuff. Later, Adam shares a story from his kid’s football game, and responds to fan phone calls about taking a road trip across the United States, why kale sucks, and advice on taking the next steps in your relationship.

Kira Soltanovich is in studio next, and Adam congratulates her on successfully crowd funding her latest comedy special. She talks about a fundraising perk that allowed someone to help name her baby, and having an infant in the front row when she recorded. Gina starts the news talking about the massive wildfire in Alberta Canada. In happier news, Gina discusses SpaceX’s latest accomplishment, and Adam goes on a rant about social security numbers. As the show wraps up, the guys talk about the Kentucky Derby, and catching the Grim Sleeper.



Watch Kira’s comedy special, ‘You Did This To Me’, now available on Amazon and more! For more on today’s guest, check out and follow her on Twitter @KiraComedy.



Fort McMurray Fire

Ryan Nyquist

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, and Matt Fondiler
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop