Show Summary

Adam opens the show discussing his interview with Robert Wagner earlier in the day, and the unbelievable head of hair on the guy. Tyler Balliet of Wine Riot calls in next, and the group talks about the Mangria event that’s coming up in New York at the end of the month. Adam then talks with Dr. Bruce about giving medicine to his kids, and why Sonny won’t eat frozen yogurt. For this week’s Healthwatch, Dr. Bruce rolls through stories about scabies, bras, head transplants, yelling at teens, and synthetic marijuana. Later, Adam shows a cut of his latest project: The Most Interesting Man in the World’s Ex Wife. Katrina Campins then enters the studio, and Adam talks with her about his love of real estate shows. Katrina also discusses flipping houses since she was a teenager, her biggest sales, and her mother’s use of shamanic healings. Alison then reads news stories about Julie Chen’s plastic surgery, Carson Daly’s joining The Today Show, and updates on George Zimmerman’s life. As the show wraps up, the guys discuss shower curtain humor, and a story from Adam’s youth about hiding out after catching his female friends nude sunbathing.


Watch new episodes of Hot Listings Miami every Tuesday at 9 on the Style Network. You can also visit, or follow her on Twitter @KatrinaCampins. Find out more about the Wine Riot NYC event by visiting You can also follow Dr. Bruce on Twitter @DrBruceH


The Most Interesting Man In The World’s Ex Wife [youtube url="" autohide="1" showinfo="0"] Shelly Zimmerman Lawyer [youtube url="" autohide="1" showinfo="0"]

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop
