Show Summary
Adam opens the show with his buddy Ray Oldhafer in studio. Ray talks about the girl that almost made Adam a Buddhist. The guys also reminisce about their 10-year high school reunion. Adam then goes on a rant about the reactions to his Gavin Newsom interview, and thanks everyone for supporting the pirate shipping. Before heading out, Ray helps answer your home improvement questions and discusses the time he wrestled a guy in a wheel chair. David Otunga enters the studio next, and Adam talks to him about his relationship with Jennifer Hudson. They also talk about David’s drive to become an action star, and making it happen in the new movie ‘The Call’. Alison then opens the news discussing how LA could become the site for the 2024 Summer Olympics. As the show wraps up, the guys talk about the ‘Steven Tyler Act’, which makes it a civil violation to take pictures or videos of people in their private moments.Links
Check out ‘The Call’, opening March 15th and costarring Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin. For more info, visit or follow David on Twitter @DavidOtunga Also subscribe to Ace on the House, with new episodes every Saturday. You can also follow Ray on Twitter @RayOldhaferSuperfan Sidebar
Click Here for Superfan Giovanni's recap and commentary on today's episode. For more, go to Credits
Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox
Newsgirl: Alison Rosen
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop