Show Summary

Adam opens the show thanking a fan for getting Natalia a custom made American Girl doll outfit. Adam then complains about trying to get a new Mangria label made, and rants about Sonny Bono’s undeserved success. Adam also talks to a caller about getting stood up on Valentine’s Day, then pitches a new dog-themed reality TV show. The guys then take another fan phone call about girls who say they don’t want anything done on Valentine’s Day, but secretly do. Bryan Callen enters the studio next and Adam talks to him about the importance of living a productive life. Bryan then asks Adam about his passion for racing cars, and the guys also discuss sexual appetite, the Arnold-maid sex scandal, and Bryan’s experiences overseas. Adam then rants about Sonny’s tutor, and the guys discuss the importance of the father’s role in a child’s life. The show wraps up with news stories about Christopher Dorner, and the Oscar Pistorious murder scandal.


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Superfan Sidebar

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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson

Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox

Newsgirl: Alison Rosen

Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop
