Show Summary

Adam opens the show talking with today’s guest, Brandon T. Jackson, about growing up in Detroit. Brandon announces that he just quit drinking today, and Adam talks about the problems with wine bottles. They also chat about why Brandon grew up without porn in his house, and what it’s like Skyping with someone in jail. Adam then answers audience questions about waterbeds, shaving his junk, and what his priorities would be if he were president.  Alison begins the news discussing the new internet meme of ‘Kevining.’ They also talk about an upcoming debate between John Stewart and Bill O’Reilly, and the time Adam signed up to be a firefighter. Another news story deals with the movement of sperm, and Adam recalls a hilarious Man Show bit he did with Jimmy Kimmel. Also in the news, Patrick Stewart got into a Twitter war, PETA is protesting the series Animal Practice, and a man was apprehended after trying to smuggle an endangered species in his underwear. As the show wraps up, Adam talks about how the shittier your country is, the cooler your insects are.


Follow today’s guest on Twitter @BrandonTJackson. And grab your Man Show DVDs by clicking through our Amazon link.

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Show Credits

Producer: Mike Lynch Producer: Mike Dawson Audio/Voice Over/Post-Production: Mike Dawson Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop Associate Producer: Gary Smith Technical Director: Chris Laxamana Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

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