Adam opens the show with his response to the New York Post controversy. Comedian Brad Williams is also on stage and talks about gay midgets who don’t date. Adam then rants about the insane traffic jam trying to get across town, and recalls a maddening experience at a stop sign in front of his house. Alison starts up the news, and discusses her friends calling her too early. Brad also talks about having samurai swords for home security, and Adam points out the benefits of attack crows. Later the gang reveals Adam’s placement on the New York Times Bestseller list, and why Ashton Kutcher is suing the DMV. Other news stories include the results of the NBA finals, Alec Baldwin’s paparazzi problem, and finally a Germany or Florida story involving a three-legged pit bull.
Get the latest tour dates at, and check out his podcast, ‘About Last Night,’ available on iTunes.
Producer: Mike Lynch Producer: Mike Dawson Audio/Voice Over/Post-Production: Mike Dawson Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop Associate Producer: Gary Smith Technical Director: Chris Laxamana Show Summary: Matt Fondiler