Show Summary
As the show opens up, Adam shares a moment he had yesterday when he came into the warehouse over the weekend to find that a door hadn’t been locked. He also complains about the guys at the other shop not enjoying delicious leftovers, and then talks with Maxipada about horrible music played during his Guys’ Weekend. Up next, the guys play a round of the Rotten Tomatoes Game, and Adam tells a story about Sonny and Natalia getting into a fight. Before the break, Adam takes fan phone calls about historical timelines, the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, and driving stick shift in an automatic world.
Andrea Savage is in studio next, and Adam chats with her about growing up in the valley, and eventually graduating from Cornell. Later, Adam asks her about the creative freedom of her TV series, ‘I’m Sorry’, and why she felt the need to make a more nuanced show about motherhood. They also talk about Andrea discovering her kid’s friend’s mom was a porn star. Gina then begins the news with the latest round of protests at Berkeley, which leads into a hilarious new mash-up from Dawson. As the show wraps up, Andrea explains how her show became more timely than she planned for.
Watch ‘I’m Sorry’ on TruTV, with new episodes Weds at 10pm. You can also follow today’s guest on Twitter @AndreaSavage.
Donate to the Hurricane Harvey Victims in Houston
#Antifa cosplayers love to talk tough until things get real, then it’s all tears & victimhood.#AltLeft #Berkeley
— A K T I C S (@aktics) August 27, 2017
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Show Credits
Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler, and Caelan Biehn
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop