Show Summary

As the show opens up, Adam talks about the way his grandma reacted to his increase in wealth back in the day, and he tells a classic Mike August story from the road back from Bakersfield. The group also talks about Roger Kabler’s short-lived sitcom, Dawson’s move into his new house, and some cringe-y 70s TV. Later they listen to a clip from Dawson’s new audiobook, and Adam and Shek discuss today’s ‘Good Sports’.

After the break, Gina shares a potentially anti-Semitic costume she wore to a Halloween party, and Adam rants about ‘Everything’ bagels and sunflower seeds. Gina then starts the news playing a video of Kathy Griffin naming the men she says screwed up her career. They also talk about how drug cartels are reacting to the legalization of marijuana, and Huey Lewis’ Broadway show. As the show wraps up, Adam talks about the crazy heat finally breaking.




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Show Credits

Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler, Caelan Biehn, and Dylan Wrenn
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop

