Adam opens the show discussing Winter Storm Maximus, which is just about to blow through. He also complains about inaccurate weather forecasts, and American cheese in omelets. Alison then complains about the lack of Wi-Fi on the flight over, and Adam answers some very important audience questions during a round of Q and Ace. Today’s news begins with Amanda Knox being found guilty for a second time. The gang also discusses a horrible escalator accident, Ke$ha’s weird rehab request, and the types of guys that other guys might share a bed with. As the show wraps up, the group talks about a Pizza Hut manager that got arrested after spitting in a cop’s pizza, and a story from Colorado about a Mile 420 marker that kept getting stolen.
Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, Matt Fondiler and Jeff Fox Newsgirl: Alison Rosen Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop